Dear new business partner, friend, connection, person in which I am engaging a one-way relationship with,

I enjoyed reading and will continue to read. Regarding perfection, I think the closest thing to perfection would be happiness. It’s probably easier to prioritize your and someone else’s happiness and keep perfection in the background. Cause like, being happy feels cool I guess 🧐

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(a preface, then a request:

i do tend to think in visuals a lot, and this reads like exposition but in an excavatory sense - like a confessional but without the religion or the shame; in its stead a bare, earnest honesty. going off of that - this does feel a little like you're unearthing little bits out from yourself and admitting them over and across this half-dark membrane - screen - of halfway-anonymity, into whichever hands choose or choose not to take it.

i wouldn't want for my response to be an intrusion beyond that screen - even if this is a connection, to realise it into a conversation would be taking something away from it - that burden to respond that you mentioned before. so, presumptuous as this may be - treat this response as one from not me as your friend, but me as a halfway-anonymous presence on the internet? a point receiving the signal you've sent out. - 🧚)

i wouldn't want this to be anything above an acknowledgement, actually, or have it be more than - you know, ping! message received. your radio-waves've hit a channel, someone's tuning in. but of the scattered bits of thoughts i do want to share: pretentious implies pretense and i protest strongly at you feeling the need to apologise for thoughts as gracefully self-aware and substantial as yours. i'm aware this may just be another facet of the permission you ask for in order to justify your expression, and i know you don't need that permission to be granted (who would i be to do that anyways, that's silly). i'm protesting for the sake of it. that is to say - my acknowledgement of your thoughts and words as thoroughly deserving in all possible ways definitely isn't needed, per se, but i do want to do it anyways, as a reminder or as proof that someone does take them for what they are, what you mean them as.

apart from that - i don't think i can properly lay out what this left me feeling. you did make me smile, did make me laugh, did make me clutch my heart like that stereotype. if i sound convoluted it's because i resort to longer words the bigger my thoughts get about something. i still love the way you write, really really no less when it's not fiction you're sharing. one last thing - i was nearing the end and thinking to myself about how you really do inspire reciprocity in the best ways; if a goal of yours is to touch hearts in that sort of keen, oh-okay-wow way then you've hit it. god, i love your writing. take care.

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I'm not very sure how long ago the previous comments were written - not like it matters, however late I came round to reading your newsletter (far too late really, after such a long time reading your cc) - but I'll leave one nonetheless.

I thought of catching up to these letters tonight, but maybe I must take my time going through them, because as expected they left me with much to think about, as your instropective writing style often does. Though, it's not as heavy as having watched a movie and letting the ending song play as I sit in silence and contemplation, but something much more light hearted - like having a discussion with a friend I trust. It's a brain exercise, it's like being introduced to something I've yet to think of (re:what is the exact extent of the connection between the writer and reader, what are the expectations?), but instead of having my views challenged and presented with insights crafted to sound impressive - it's something much more intimate, yes, and feels more secure, it's simply being guided by your thoughts surrounding the matter, figuring out an answer satisfactory enough to feel like an honest presentation of yourself, something you can live with - and I like that. I think we're already friends, with this much openness to each other. I think this is the most efficient, and genuine way, to get to know if you vibe with someone - knowing which cards they lay out in the table, why these cards, and why this talk in the first place. That's the friend part. For the trust part, I'm certain I can tell. I don't know you, but I know your writing, that's a form of expression that shows as much as an in person meeting, in its own way.

I'd like to treat each of this letter as something I devote some time to reading and thinking about, not just letting myself feel from it then move on to the next. So maybe writing a comment like this on each of them can help me take my time.

Thank you for giving me the chance to know you, and your writing. In your eyes it may seem like we're getting the short end of the stick, "subjecting" yourself to it - but I promise I came here with readyness to be vulnerable, and more accurately to be self indulgent too. To find common grounds, to understand a figure of I admire better, to rid of that quiet loneliness that's just silent yearn for a mutual mind. And I'm very glad I got it. I'm happy we both got something of comfort out of this.

I've written too much in response to something composed ages ago - so I'll spend time catching up with the recent you instead. See you in the next letter!

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it always feel good and a little whimsical to make a new friend, a new hand to hold in this life. thank you for extending your hand <3

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